
Dutton Brock LLP abides by the Law Society of Ontario's guidelines for firms in Toronto in the recruitment of articling students. These guidelines contain information such as the deadline for applications for the next articling term and can be found at

We look for students with a strong academic background, a demonstrated interest in litigation (such as through extra-curricular moots), legal clinic or pro bono work, related experience at a law firm or insurance company and involvement in activities that demonstrate confidence and leadership.

We also look for individuals with an interesting background and an ability to balance work or studies with their personal life. The completion of a course in Insurance Law is considered an asset but is not compulsory.

We accept applications by the viLaw Portal or email. Your application should include:

  • a cover letter indicating the position for which you are applying
  • a resume
  • copies of undergraduate and law school transcripts (be prepared to provide an official transcript at the interview, if requested)
  • any reference letters (optional)
  • a brief writing sample (optional)

Please address your application to:

Chad Leddy or Stephen Mullings
438 University Ave. Suite 1700
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2L9